An Easy Introduction to Creative Commons

Posted by Lior Weinstein on Wednesday, Jul 10th, 2013
Category : Resources

An Easy Introduction to Creative Commons

Creative Commons is something I now believe all bloggers should know about. While I heard about Creative Commons a while ago it was only recently that it struck me how ideal for web content creators, and bloggers in particular, their license idea really is.

What is a Creative Commons License?

Creative Commons license allow you to control how your work is shared and used while retaining the rights that are meaningful to you. They are controlled by a non-profit organisation who oversees the various licenses and promotes them. Using a Creative Commons license you can spread your work and ideas, and even have people create their own work using it as a base, while you still retain your ownership of it.

So it means giving up my copyright?

No, it just means you are allowing certain uses while stating certain things, for example “anyone can use this work however they like providing they credit me and it is not for commercial purposes”. It’s not giving up control, it is about being very specific in how much control you want.

Why is Creative Commons beneficial?

With Creative Commons you are explicitly informing people what rights you are allowing for the use of your work. There are a growing number of people who specifically seek out CC licensed work for use in their own projects, for example looking for a video or photograph to illustrate a point. You can even search for CC licensed material.

People will use your work then attribute you. Your ideas spread, your name gets known. Attribution means links and a growing reputation.

Ever heard of Chocolate Rain? You might not have if it wasn’t for the Creative Commons.

How do you use Creative Commons licenses?

To license your work under Creative Commons you simply have to choose the license that is right for you and your work. If you want people to share your work non-commercially but not alter it, for example, then the “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported” is probably right for you. It looks scarier than it is, just head over to the official site and take a quick read through then attach a “some rights reserved” button.


If you really want your ideas and name to spread, consider Creative Commons. You will remove obstacles and might even get more attention.

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