Image source: Markstivers.com
May is designated as Creative Beginnings Month. It’s easy to start a project, but how many of us have started something and lost interest, or never finished it because we weren’t organized? By using Excel, you can keep your project on track and keep your goal in sight.
What is a creative project? It can be anything from a work project to a hobby or a passion, like art. If you are working on a project for work, there is no way you can get away without finishing it if you want to keep your job and get ahead in your career.
No matter what kind of project you are working on, it is easy to get bogged down by details and competing priorities if you don’t come up with a plan and set a schedule from the outset.
When you come up with your brilliant idea, you probably jot down notes. Take those notes and using a PDF to Excel converter, put them into a spreadsheet. How many times have you written brilliant ideas on the back of a napkin, a sticky note or a piece of paper and lost it? If you put the information into your spreadsheet right away, you’ll be able to add to your notes whenever you come up with more ideas.
Schedule time for your project in your spreadsheet. Maybe you want to work on it a few hours a day. You need to block out that time.
Gather information from whatever resources you need. You probably search the Internet, but don’t forget about your local public library. They have a wealth of information that could be vital to your project. You can photocopy what you need and scan it into your PDF to Excel converter to add it to your Excel spreadsheet.

Image source: Rosetotherescue.com
Having all of your information in one place, instead of scattered around on papers or saved in PDF files on your desktop allows you to focus.
Perhaps you want to try something new. Take a course in photography or creative writing. Start a blog. Go outside your comfort zone and learn a new skill. Take up quilting or knitting. Think big! Maybe you always wanted to try your hand at sculpture. Why not get a gang together and build an installation for Burning Man. Artists like Kate Raudenbush are self taught and now they are making incredible works of art.
If you are younger, new skills, any kind of skill, can be valuable in your career or help you in your daily life. If you are older, learning a new skill keeps you young.

Image source: Behance.net
If you don’t know how to use Excel, this is a valuable new skill to learn. It’s an extremely versatile tool that you can use in many areas of your life. Even if you are intimidated by technology, it is easy to use. Unless you are an accountant, you only need to learn the basics. Take your skills to the next level by adding a PDF to Excel converter to the mix. This allows you to do even more with the software.
Are you someone who starts things and never finishes them? Pull those old half finished projects out of your closet or desk drawer and achieve the goal you had once dreamed of. With a little planning and a bit of help from innovative technology, you’ll be able to show off the results and start a new project. That is what technology is for, to make our lives easier and better.