Image source: Spoon-tamago.com
Look at the amazing Japanese art to the left. Would you believe it was made on an Excel spreadsheet? Tatsuo Horiuchi, a 73 year old Japanese artist has been using Excel to paint these incredibly detailed pictures for the past 13 years. He isn’t the only person taking the spreadsheet to the next level.
Tatsuo says he never used Excel at work, but he observed others using spreadsheets and decided to challenge himself by experimenting with ways to create art. Many graphics software programs are expensive, so Tatsuo figured that since Excel was already installed on his computer he would give it a try. The results are incredible.

Image source: Spoon-tamago.com
Ukranian Artist, Oleksiv Say also makes art with Excel. He started as a way to take a break from work. There are all kinds of people who take Excel to the next level or think outside of the box. Many scientists and inventors use spreadsheets every day to track their projects. We probably owe Excel a thanks for contributing to many of today’s great inventions.
We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft and his team for inventing this powerful tool. Like every invention, some people take their inspiration from the original and create something more powerful.
The founders of Cogniview knew that there was a need to convert other formats or file types to Excel and they made it happen with a PDF to Excel converter.
Another great inventor, John Walker, the found of Autodesk, and coauthor of AutoCAD and other software systems for 3D design uses Excel. He even wrote a diet book called “The Hacker’s Diet”, where he uses Excel spreadsheets as a way of tracking weight loss.

Image source: Spoon-tamago.com
No one could learn without teachers. Instructors such as Microsoft Excel MVP Daniel Ferry and Excel Hero Academy teach budding Excel geniuses to take the software to new horizons. By using a PDF to Excel converter this has become even more possible.
You may not think you have it in you, but you can take basic software programs and turn them into art, magic or inventions, even if they are just little miracles to make your day better.